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Brunel University

Londra, Uxbridge kasabası dışında kurulu Brunel University, Londra'nın öğrenci memnuniyeti en yüksek ilk 5 üniversitesinden biridir. Mühendislik, işletme, hukuk, uluslarası ilişkiler en başarılı alanlarıdır. Yeşillikler içindeki kampüsünde ilk yıl tüM yabancı öğrencilere yurt konaklaması sağlanmaktadır. 113 farklı ülkeden öğrenci barındıran üniversite yabancı öğrencileri için İngiliZce hazırlık kursları ve geçiş programaları sunmaktadır. Eğitim ücretleri 12000 GBP ile 15000 GBP arasıda değişmektedir. Brunel University lisans ve yüksek lisans düzeyinde çeşitli burslar vermektedir. Brunel University Eylül ve Ocak dönemiNde eğitime başlamaktadır. Ocak döneminde açılan master programları hakkında detaylı bilgi almak için danışmanlarımızdan bilgi alınız.
Brunel Unversity'de verilen bazı lisans programları;
Aerospace Engineering Meng, Anthropology and Sociology Bsc, Anthropology BSc, Automotive Engineering MEng, Aviation Engineering Meng, Aviation Engineering with Pilot Studies Meng, Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry) BSc, Biomedical Sciences (Genetics) BSc, Biomedical Sciences (Human Health) BSc, Broadcast Media (Design and Technology) Bsc, Business and Management (Accounting) Bsc, Business and Management (Marketing) Bsc, Business and Management Bsc, Business Computing Bsc, Civil Engineering Meng, Civil Engineering with Sustainability Meng, Communication and Media Studies Bsc, Composition Bmus, Computer Science (Network Computing) Bsc, Computer Science (Software Engineering) Bsc, Computer Science Bsc, Computer Systems Engineering (Networks) Beng, Computer Systems Engineering (Software) Beng, Computer Systems Engineering MEng , Contemporary Education BA, Creative Writing BA, Economics and Accounting Bsc, Economics and Business Finance BSc , Economics and Management BSc.Economics Bsc, Electrical Engineering with Renewable Energy Systems Meng, Electronic and Communications Engineering Meng, Electronic and Computer Engineering Meng, Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng , English and Film and TV Studies BA, English BA, English with Creative Writing BA, Film and Television Studies BA, Finance and Accounting Bsc, Financial Mathematics Bsc, Games Design and Creative Writing BAGames Design and English BA, Games Design and Film and Television Studies BA, Games Design and Sonic Arts BA, Games Design BA, History BA, Industrial Design and Technology BA, International Business Bsc, International Politics Bsc, Law LLB, Law with Criminal Justice LLB, Law with International Arbitration & Commercial Law LLB, Law with Professional Placement LLB, Mathematics and Statistics with Management BSc, Mathematics Bsc, Mathematics with Computer Science BSc, Mechanical and Energy Engineering Being, Mechanical and Energy Engineering MEng, Mechanical Engineering Beng, Mechanical Engineering Meng, Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics Beng, Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics Meng, Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Design Meng, Mechanical Engineering with Building Services Being, Mechanical Engineering with Building Services MEng, Motorsport Engineering Meng, Multimedia Technology and Design Bsc, Music BA, Occupational Therapy Bsc, Performance Bmus, Physical Education and Youth Sport BSc. Politics and Economics Bsc, and Sociology B.Sc., Politics Bsc, Product Design BSc, Product Design Engineering Bsc, Psychology and Anthropology Bsc, Psychology and Sociology Bsc, Psychology Bsc, Social Work BA, Sociology and Media Studies Bsc, Sociology Bsc, Sonic Arts BA, Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Bsc, Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences (Sport Development) Bsc, Theatre and Creative Writing BA, Theatre and English BA, Theatre and Film and Television Studies BA, Theatre and Games Design BA, Theatre BA
Brunel Unversity'de verilen bazı yüksek lisans programları;
Accounting and Business Management MSc, Advanced Computing MSc, Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc, Advanced Engineering Design MSc, Advanced Manufacturing Systems MSc, Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc, Advanced Multimedia Design and 3D Technologies MSc, Aerospace Engineering MSc, Anthropology of Childhood, Youth and Education MSc, Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance MSc, Applied Corporate Brand Management MSc, Automotive and Motorsport Engineering MSc, Banking and Finance MSc, Bioengineering Mres, Biomedical Engineering MSc, Building Services Engineering MSc, Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy MSc, Business Administration MBA, Business Finance MSc, Business Intelligence and Social Media MSc, Business Systems Integration (with SAP Technology) MSc, Campaigning and Journalism MA, Children, Youth and International Development MA, Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability MSc, Computer Communication Networks MSc, Contemporary Performance Making MA, Creative Writing MA, Creative Writing: The Novel MA, Cross-Cultural Psychology MSc, Design and Branding Strategy MA, Design Strategy and Innovation MA, Digital Design and Branding MSc, Digital Games Theory and Design MA, Distributed Computing Systems Engineering MSc, Documentary Practice MA, Education MA, Embedded Systems (Multimedia Communications) MSc, Embedded Systems (Signal Processing) MSc, Engineering Management MSc, English Literature MA, Evolutionary Psychology MSc, Finance and Accounting MSc, Finance and Investment MSc, Financial Mathematics MSc, Functional Neuroimaging MSc, Global Supply Chain Management MSc, Globalisation and Governance MA, Hand Therapy MSc, Health Promotion and Public Health MSc,Human Resource Management MSc, Human Resources and Employment Relations MSc, Information Systems Management MSc, Integrated Product Design MSc, Intelligence and Security Studies MA, International and Comparative Criminal Justice LLM, International Business Msc, International Commercial Law LLM, International Financial Regulation and Corporate Law LLM, International Human Rights Law LLM, International Intellectual Property Law LLM, International Journalism MA, International Relations MA, Journalism MA, Management Msc, Marketing Msc, Master of Laws (LLM Law), Media and Communications Msc, Media and Public Relations MA Medical Anthropology Msc, Medicine, Bioscience and Society Msc, Modelling and Management of Risk Msc, Modern Political Thought - Violence and Revolution MA, Modern World History MA, Molecular Medicine and Cancer Research Msc, Molecular Medicine Msc, Neurorehabilitation Msc, Occupational Therapy Msc, Packaging Technology Management Msc, Physiotherapy Msc, Politics Msc, Project and Infrastructure Management Msc, Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Society MA, Psychological and Psychiatric Anthropology Msc, Psychology, Health and Behaviour Msc, Public Affairs and Lobbying Msc, Renewable Energy Engineering Msc, Science, Technology and Contemporary Society Msc, Social and Cultural Research Msc, Social Anthropology Mres, Social Work MA, Sociology of Health and Illness Msc, Specialist Community Public Health Nursing MSc and PGDip, Sport and Exercise Psychology Msc, Sport Sciences (Human Performance) Msc, Sport Sciences (Sport Psychology) MSc, Sport Sciences Msc, Structural Integrity Msc, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Design Msc, Sustainable Electrical Power Msc, Sustainable Energy - Technologies and Management Msc, Toxicology and Risk Assessment Msc, War and Conflict in The Modern World MA, Water Engineering Msc, Wireless Communication Systems Msc,